Chris Coyier: How to Think Like A Front-End Developer

The job title “front-end developer” is very real: job boards around the world confirm that. But what is that job, exactly? What do you need to know to do it? You might think those answers are pretty cut and dried, but they’re anything but; front-end development is going through something of an identity crisis. In this engaging talk, Chris will explore this identity through the lens of someone who has self-identified as a front-end developer for a few decades, but more interestingly, through many conversations he’s had with other successful front-end developers. You’ll see just how differently this job can be done and how differently people and companies can think of this role—not just for the sake of doing so, but because you’ll learn to be better at your own jobs by understanding how other people are good at theirs.

Chris is a web designer and developer. He created and runs CSS-Tricks, a website all about building websites, now going strong for 10 years. He is also the co-founder of CodePen, a playground for front-end web development. It’s a social development environment for front end designers and developers. Along with Dave Rupert, he is the co-host of a podcast called ShopTalk, a show about (you guessed it), building websites. Chris has spoken at events and given workshops all over the world, as well as written two books: Practical SVG and Digging Into WordPress.

Doors open at 6:30 pm. The talk will begin at 7:00 pm.

Tickets / Pre-Sale ends at 12-Noon!

Members: $10 presale/$15 at the door (to purchase, go to and use your AIGA login)
Non-Members: $20 presale/$25 at the door
Student Members: $5
Student Non-Members: $10

Please note tickets only available on Eventbrite through the end of the day on April 29. Tickets available at the door only on April 30.

When & Where
Tue, Apr 30, 2019 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
The Waiting Room Lounge
6212 Maple Street
Omaha, NE 68104